A Note on Sound

When complete, this machine will provide as close to the entire arcade experience as possible.  Part of that is Neon lights which will be discussed later. The other part is the electronic arcade ambient noise. The two speakers in the back will reflect arcade sounds subtly off the wall behind the cabinet for realism.  I accomplish this with TheShanMan’s Arcade Ambience App.  It uses a separate sound card to play the effects. I am using sounds from the Arcade Ambiance Project. I am specifically using the 1981 and 1983 files from the download section.

The Front speakers will play a random playlist of late 70’s and early 80’s pop while in the game menus, which will fade out when a game is started up.  When you quit the game, it fades up to the place you last left in the song.  This functionality is built into the MALA Front End I am using.  I highly suggest MALA.  It is extremely flexible and supports plugins that I will discuss later.


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